2019works · 2019/05/13 Looking for juvenile in an urban area/住宅街で稚魚探し 5月になって住宅街を流れる中の川の河原もすっかり春の緑に覆われています。サクラマスの稚魚たちは、小さな流れのどのあたりで見つけられるのか探してみました。 Riverside of Nakano river is covered with green reaves. There are 3 spots to find Juvenile of Masu salmon at small stream. 2019 May.11 Vimeo content is not displayed due to your cookie settings. Click on the functional Vimeo cookies in the cookie banner to agree to load and display content from Vimeo. tagPlaceholderTags: masu salmon, nakano river