2020works · 2020/04/26 Where's the wild fry?/野生のサケ稚魚を探す 海に向かう前の野生のサケ稚魚たちが何をしているのか見てみたい。豊平川を歩くと、産卵床のすぐそばにある温度がちょっと高いゆっくりした流れで、「ぬくぬく」と育つ稚魚たちを見つけました。 Where's the wild fry, before heading out to the sea? A slow and slightly high temperature flow helps them to grow, just near the spawning bed. 2020 Mar. 2 Vimeo content is not displayed due to your cookie settings. Click on the functional Vimeo cookies in the cookie banner to agree to load and display content from Vimeo. tagPlaceholderTags: chum salmon, toyohira river, juvenile