2019works · 2019/07/17 peaceful time with Carp/コイとの時間 札幌市の市街地を流れる琴似発寒川にサクラマスが帰ってきました。産卵は2ヶ月先。いまは 、まったりした流れの中で、野ゴイとともに過ごしています。 Masu salmon come back to Kotoni-hassamu river. The spawning season will start two months later. Now, they are taking a rest with wild Carp at the deep area. 2019 Jul.7 Vimeo content is not displayed due to your cookie settings. Click on the functional Vimeo cookies in the cookie banner to agree to load and display content from Vimeo. tagPlaceholderTags: masu salmon, kotoni-hassamu river, carp